Friday, November 14, 2008

Our Internet Code of Conduct

In 7th grade language arts, you are encouraged to use a Gmail account and to set up a blog on Along with these privileges, come responsibilities. While the internet represents a great learning opportunity, it can also pose threats when used inappropriately. Before you may participate in this component of the class, please read and sign the below Code of Conduct, along with your parents. If you opt not to participate in the online part of this class, a paper and pencil alternative will be provided. Please keep a signed copy of this agreement at home. A copy of this agreement will be handed out at the beginning of the year, but may also be printed from this site for reference purposes or for those entering the class late.

1. Please, no last names, school names, phone numbers, personal photos or addresses.

2. Do not link to your personal blog (MySpace, etc.) from your school blog, or to any other personal web content; you might reveal information on there that you don't want to reveal on your school blog.

3. If you accidentally come across inappropriate or offensive content, turn around and leave the site immediately without interacting with it in any way.

4. Always make sure you check over your post for spelling errors, grammar errors, and your use of words.

5. Never disrespect someone else in your blog, whether it's a person, an organization, or just a general idea. You don't want someone making a stab at what you are passionate about; don't do it to someone else.

6. Don't write about other people without permission. Never share someone else’s last name.

7. Watch your language! Make all of your work as professional looking as possible, and always consider who your audience is.

8. Discuss your internet and blog activities with your parents; keep them involved and interested.

9. In Blogger settings, for ‘Who Can Comment?’, select, ‘Only members of this blog,’ and please don’t add any members.

10. Never engage in harassing or inappropriate behavior, or share ‘adult’ content. Report all such activity to your teacher and parents immediately. Remember, we are living in the time of ‘infinite data archiving.’ That is, everything you post will never go away. Questionable internet activity will come back to bite you!

Students: I will abide by the above code of conduct. Signed:_____________________________

Parents: I support my student in his/her use of the above described internet applications, and I will remain interested and involved in their on-line activities.
Signed:__________________________ Date:____________________________________

This code adapted from