Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Debate Essay Competition

Now that we've practiced the construction of an expository 5 paragraph essay, it's time to get down to business and write a real one! We've been debating in class so that you all understand that this kind of essay is really like a written debate, or argument, even if it is one sided (that is, no one will be rebutting your arguments as you state them).

We voted on the poll on this blog, and the proposition for this debate will be...

A laptop computer should be provided to every student at BMS.

You may choose to write on either the affirmative or negative side of this debate.

Prize: There will be a drawing for an 8 gig iPod Nano at the end of this unit. Upon completing each stage of the assignment, students will receive a single ticket to submit to the drawing. There will be an additional ticket for those who choose to play Devil's Advocate, and write on the negative side of the debate. This ticket will be handed out upon completion of the 3rd stage of the assignment.

In order to be eligible for the iPod, the first 3 stages of the assignment must be complete. The drawing for the iPod will take place during announcements on the day before winter break.

Time line:

1. Day 1 - Complete outline: Notes only (not complete sentences), properly organized and color coordinated. Grabbers and clinchers may not be the same as the thesis statement.
A Day = 12/2 B Day = 12/3

2. Day 2 - Rough draft: Heading (name, class, date in upper left corner), title properly capitalized, double spaced, hand written in pencil, color underlined reasons and supporting paragraphs.
A Day = 12/8 B Day = 12/9

3. Day 3 - Clean draft: All of the above, plus, neat and no apparent errors, After approval by me, posted on the wall outside the classroom.
A Day = 12/10 B Day = 12/11

4. Blog post - Final Step: Post on blog, no errors and a picture.
Due for A & B Day 12/15

Monday, November 16, 2009

Getting Connected with Fun Poll Assignment

One of the best ways to get ideas about how to improve your blog, and how to complete assignments for your blog, is to look at some of your classmates' fine blog work. For this assignment you will need to do the following:

1. Gather the Gmail addresses for five of your classmates.

2. Email all five with a fun note saying 'hi'!

3. After you've received email from your five friends, create a 'group' in Gmail so you can email all of them with a single message.
  • First, send a quick reply to the people you got emails from. This will make them a 'contact'. Then, click on 'contacts' to the left of your inbox > select the people you want in your group (select 'all contacts' to see a list you can pick from) > click on 'groups' > new group, and give your group a name > groups > select the group you just created
Adding a parent or grandparent would be really awesome! You can always see who's in your group, and manage that list, by clicking on the name of the group in 'contacts', on the left hand side of your main screen.

4. Now let's go to your blog and create a poll (a multiple choice survey question) for the people in your group to answer.

  • From your Blogger dashboard select 'layout' > add gadget > poll > insert your question (properly capitalized and punctuated!) and insert the answer options > save
Have fun with this. Think of something silly you'd like to know about your friends. View your blog to make sure it looks right. How cool would it be to have family members vote on something like what everyone wants to do with your next vacation?! The possibilities are endless!

5. Return to your Gmail and 'compose mail'. Start writing the name of the group in the 'To' line and select it when it pops up. 'Subject' line, "Come vote on the poll on my blog!"

6. Create a link for them to follow to your blog.

  • From your blog's front page, select and copy the entire address from the main address bar at the top.
  • Back in the email you're writing, click on the button that looks like a chain link. In 'Text to display', write, "Click here to see my blog." In the 'Link to box', right click and 'paste' your address. Click 'ok'. Add a personal message if you like and press 'send'.
7. Follow the links sent to you by your friends when you get their emails - and vote on their polls! Have fun!

Now you know how to create email groups and send email to them, and how to create a poll on your blog. Keep your friends and family members updated on your language arts work, or any other cool stuff you post! Cheers!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

5 Paragraph Persuasive Essay Practice

The motto for effective persuasive essay writing is, "Tell 'em what you're gonna tell 'em. Tell 'em. Then, tell 'em what you told 'em!"

In your first paragraph, or introduction to your essay, your primary goals are to describe the main point you'll be trying to persuade your reader to agree with you on (this is known as the Thesis Statement), and to lay out the main ideas you'll be using to support that point.

In the body, or middle, of your essay, you'll use a paragraph to explain, give details and examples, for each of your main ideas.

Finally, in the conclusion, your last paragraph needs to restate your Thesis Statement, summarize the main points you covered in support of it, and leave the reader with a memorable and powerful final statement of your position, known as the Clincher Statement.

Here's an example for you to follow. Note the Transition Words at the beginning of each paragraph, to help guide the reader through the argument. Cheers!

Mr.A - The Best Rodeo Clown There Ever Was!

When I grow up, I think I'd make a great rodeo clown. I've always enjoyed being trapped in small places with dangerous animals. One of my favorite things to do is to redirect the attention of bullies in the classroom, so that nice kids don't have to deal with them. I even have some experience with barn-yard animals. I'm comfortable with dangerous animals, I don't mind risk taking to help other people and I like barn-yard animals, therefore, I will be the best rodeo clown there ever was!

The first reason why I'll be a great rodeo clown is that being around dangerous animals has always come naturally to me. There was that time when I was hunting, when I sat twenty feet away from a sow and two cubs as they ate salmon out of a stream. I'm always watching dangerous animal shows on the Discovery Channel. When ever I'm close to a man eating animal, I feel more alive than ever. Being able to be comfortable near dangerous animals is the first step to becoming a rodeo clown.

Also, helping people in danger is another thing I really enjoy. It's so exciting to see the look of relief on a person's face when you save them. When I'm helping people avoid physical harm, I feel like a super hero. I am to helping people in danger, what a fire extinguisher is to a fire! Being able to help people in danger for the rest of my life would be fantastic!

Finally, working with barn-yard animals takes a special talent. I gained a lot of experience with bulls and other large animals on my relative's farm. I learned a lot about the way bulls think. For example, if you run across a bull's corral with a red bandanna hanging out of your back pocket, he'll start chasing you! The time I spent on a farm is sure to give me an advantage when it comes to becoming a rodeo clown.

In conclusion, the three most important ingredients required in order to become a successful rodeo clown are being comfortable with dangerous animals, a willingness to help people in danger and barn-yard experience, and I've got them all! I want to be the best rodeo clown of all time. I'm never so happy as when I'm in the midst of farm life. It's like Ben said, "Mr.Allison, you're a clown!" When I streak across a field in front of a raging bull, my soul is filled with delight, and that's why I'll be the best rodeo clown there ever was!

My rodeo clown picture came from