Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Debate Essay Competition

Now that we've practiced the construction of an expository 5 paragraph essay, it's time to get down to business and write a real one! We've been debating in class so that you all understand that this kind of essay is really like a written debate, or argument, even if it is one sided (that is, no one will be rebutting your arguments as you state them).

We voted on the poll on this blog, and the proposition for this debate will be...

A laptop computer should be provided to every student at BMS.

You may choose to write on either the affirmative or negative side of this debate.

Prize: There will be a drawing for an 8 gig iPod Nano at the end of this unit. Upon completing each stage of the assignment, students will receive a single ticket to submit to the drawing. There will be an additional ticket for those who choose to play Devil's Advocate, and write on the negative side of the debate. This ticket will be handed out upon completion of the 3rd stage of the assignment.

In order to be eligible for the iPod, the first 3 stages of the assignment must be complete. The drawing for the iPod will take place during announcements on the day before winter break.

Time line:

1. Day 1 - Complete outline: Notes only (not complete sentences), properly organized and color coordinated. Grabbers and clinchers may not be the same as the thesis statement.
A Day = 12/2 B Day = 12/3

2. Day 2 - Rough draft: Heading (name, class, date in upper left corner), title properly capitalized, double spaced, hand written in pencil, color underlined reasons and supporting paragraphs.
A Day = 12/8 B Day = 12/9

3. Day 3 - Clean draft: All of the above, plus, neat and no apparent errors, After approval by me, posted on the wall outside the classroom.
A Day = 12/10 B Day = 12/11

4. Blog post - Final Step: Post on blog, no errors and a picture.
Due for A & B Day 12/15