Monday, November 11, 2013

Alchemist Personal Legend 5 Paragraph Essay

My Personal Legend: Traveling

Nothing fills my heart with joy like traveling. My earliest memory of it was when I walked through the Andalusian countryside as a boy. I could travel for the rest of my life by being a shepherd, and by pursuing my dream of finding treasure in Egypt. There may be some challenges along the way, like getting robbed and selling crystal for a year, but I can handle them.  Traveling is my Personal Legend.

To begin with, I remember the first time I went exploring the hills outside my family’s village on my own. It made an impression on me because even though it was a little scary, I couldn’t resist the urge to see new places. Then there was that time when my uncle came to town and I stayed up late into the night listening to his stories about exotic foreign lands. Just the idea of hearing different languages, or tasting unusual foods, makes me dream of taking to the road. Traveling has been exciting to me for as long as I can remember.

There are lots of things I could do with my life in order to travel as much as possible. For example, I could buy some sheep and become a shepherd. Shepherds are always looking for new places to let their sheep graze. Additionally, if I pursue my dream about finding treasure, I’ll likely end up in Egypt. There are certainly many different things I could do in life to ensure that I can travel as much as possible.

Some may say that there are too many challenges for me to face if I want to travel. For example, travelers often get robbed. Though getting robbed is certainly no fun at all, I think my love of traveling will help me take setbacks like that in stride. Also, I know that living my Personal Legend won’t happen right away, and I may end up selling crystal in Tangier for a while, but as long as I keep my eyes on the prize, I’ll get there.  There will be obstacles, but just remember, “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.”

In conclusion, living my Personal Legend of traveling will lead to a life well spent. From the very first time I set my foot on the open road, I knew that seeing new places was my first love. I’ll get to try lots of different ways to embrace traveling, but becoming a shepherd seems like the best one for now. Getting robbed and stopping in Tangier will be obstacles that I’ll encounter, but as long as I remember how much I love traveling, I can overcome them. We only have one life to live, and I can’t think of a better way to live mine than to travel as much as possible!